Par Tót Parade for Children
Since 2015, thanks to the Associazione Oltre (promoter of the Paartòt Parata in Bologna), Camere d’Aria and the Associazione il Giardino del Guasto di Bologna, the Partòt Parata has changed its appearance, becoming a biennial event and ...
2015 - today

International Soup Festival
This peculiar international street festival is entirely based on gratuitousness and is a popular event that allows people to get together, enjoy aromas, smells and memories, ancient customs and traditions “betrayed and transformed” around pots ...
2006 - today

Par Tót Parade
In the beginning there was the FEST-FESTival/Bologna Interculture Festival in the outskirts of Bologna. In 2001, a hundred or so musicians, stilt walkers, children on painted bicycles, and people with clay cups around their necks, set off to cross the bridge to inform the whole city, and especially ‘those in the centre’, of its existence. The three workshops, strictly free, that had preceded the first Par Tòt (“for everyone” in the Bolognese dialect) grew to 60 workshops and 35,000 participants, in an impetus that almost overwhelmed the organisers.
2002 - 2013

Interculture Fest-Festival
Diversity in art or diversity becoming art. Theatre, dance, music, photography, ethnic gastronomy. This is Fest-Festival, a six day long party to celebrate people and their differences.
2001 - 2007