“It is therefore the social group that becomes a work of art”

Our Book About Us
Il Grigio has been recently published and will soon be available for order. An imaginative representation of the association and its work.
Our Mission
Oltre… is a non-profit association with the aim of fostering inclusive, participatory and eco-sustainable urban animation projects on the territory.
Our History
Founded in Bologna in November 1997, the Cultural Association Oltre… has been operating in the territory of Bologna for more than 15 years and has developed a widespread network of collaborations at local, national and international level. The association is composed of Italians, foreigners, professionals and volunteers in the socio-cultural, socio-educational and artistic sectors. Creativity, culture and art are the glue of the various projects of Oltre…, representing the pretext and the spark to give life to multiform occasions of sociality, training, conviviality and exchange.