Since 2015, thanks to the Associazione Oltre (promoter of the Paartòt Parata in Bologna), Camere d’Aria and the Associazione il Giardino del Guasto di Bologna, the Partòt Parata has changed its appearance, becoming a biennial event and addressing its workshops to the city’s minors and those who accompany them.
The Partòt has become a workshop for “cinni” and “cinne”, as they say in the Bolognese dialect.
… What do animals have to do with it?
All the workshops linked to the parade are free of charge, and take place throughout the Bologna area, in associations, theatres, cinemas, schools, gardens and streets, guided by the associations and supported by volunteers.
Thus, for the two months (approximately) preceding the parade, the children build and create under the guidance of… an animal that is the inspirational muse of everything that happens in the city centre and in the suburbs.
The first was the Wolf, then the Monkeys, then came the Dromedaries, the Whale (symbol of a collective re-emergence) and this year, 2022, in an exceptional way, just one year after the previous parade… the Donkey!